Birdies, Eagles and Hole-in-Ones
2024 Hole In One
Patti McCarver
2024 Flying Eagle Award
Karin Rader
2024 Big Birdie Award
Karin Rader
Birdie Award Rules
All Birdies must be made on our Play Day only.
All Birdies must be posted in the ‘Birdie Book’ and on the play day sheet to count toward the Top Birdie Award or to receive a Birdie pin.
Each lady is responsible for posting her own Birdie.
A limit of three (3) Birdie pins are given per year. However, all Birdies count toward the Top Bird Award. Pins will be given out each week when possible.
The Top Birdie Award will be given for the most Birdies made during the year and is to be awarded at the Fall Meeting.
Eagle Award Rules
All Eagles must be made on our Play Day only.
All Eagles must be posted in the ‘Birdie Book’ and on the play day sheet to count toward the Flying Eagle Award or to receive an Eagle pin.
Each lady is responsible for posting her own Eagle.
Eagle pins will be awarded at the Fall Meeting.
The Flying Eagle award will be given for the most Eagles made during the year and is to be awarded at the Fall Meeting.
Hole-in-One Club Rules
The fee to join is $5 per year. If you do not pay your fee, you are not included and are not eligible for the award.
Fee must be paid by your first day of play even if joining our Ladies League later in the year.
Fees are put into an account and will be split between persons making a Hole-In-One during the year. If no one makes a Hole-In-One during the year, the monies will be carried over. After three (3) years without a Hole-In-One, the monies will be donated to the charity of the Board's choice.
The Hole-In-One must be made on our Play Day only.
The Hole-In-One must be posted in the 'Birdie Book' to count toward the Hole-In-One Award or to receive a Hole-In-One pin. Each Lady is responsible for posting her own Hole-In-One.
The Hole-In-One Award and pins will be given out at the Fall Meeting.